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My favorite place essay

My favorite place essay

my favorite place essay

Nov 01,  · It’s the only place I have my own space and I can do whatever I want. I like having my own space and a place to think or just relax and my room is the perfect place for me to do that. Of course sometimes I want to get out and do things but I never get tired of coming home to my room! I have everything I could ever need to survive in there! I Essay On My Favorite Place Words | 3 Pages. The cul de sac was my favorite place. I loved to ride my bike in circles and read outside by the flowers that always smelled so sweet. Cars rushed past and I watched many pull in as time went on. It was my favorite place. The smell of food radiated from the kitchen as it does everyday my mom cooked My Favorite Vacation Essay Words | 3 Pages. The atmosphere of Waikiki Beach reminds me of New York City because there is always something to do, whether it be shopping, eating, or watching live entertainment. Stores were everywhere, you could find anything you would possibly need in the two miles that made up Waikiki Beach

My Favorite Place: New York City | Teen Ink

Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Maya Angelou. My Favorite Place: New York City New York City!

Your probably thinking, why is New York City her favorite place? I knew I could make it there. Now that i've moved across the country from Oklahoma to New Jersey. It doesn't get any better! Why do I like it? I like NYC because of the people. I'm in love with them. My favorite place essay notice that people from the East Coast are very aggressive. I noticed actors in movies, being very brusque and yelling at other characters. Even though I am totally not like that,I want to have that type of aggressiveness.

They also don't care about other's perspective. They have their own mindset. My two favorite attributes of the people are their amazing accents and boldness. I also enjoy the smells, sights, feeling,sounds, my favorite place essay, of NYC.

Sights of NYC. In reality NYC is a city that never sleeps, and is literately filled with bright lights. That brings me to the sights of the Big Apple.

When I travel to New York for fashion camp, I see various forms of mass transportation. Such as cars, taxis, buses and of course the famous Subway. Skyscrapers are a big part too. One thing I also observe are the people. I see fashion styles that contain vibrant colors and erecting tones.

What's also really sad is the vagrants,located on almost every street corner. Begging for food or money. To cheer me up, my mom takes me to the nearest street vendor, and attempts at a good bargain. If you ever go to New York, make sure you check my favorite place essay the nearest attractions. Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty and Central Park. Do you hear that? The prime component of sound in this city is honking.

If your on the crosswalk or anywhere, you hear a honk from either a taxi or car. Secondly, my favorite place essay, it's music. Music is big here! I once came out if Penn Station to be welcomed by a loud, drum band at in the morning. They were dressed in black outfits and looked like high school or college students.

They were pretty good! Lastly, is yelling. People here do not talk soft, my favorite place essay. They are aggressive and yell. They also don't care whose looking.

Cars and sirens wail wherever you are. that concludes your sounds of NY. What's that smell? Okay this is a little disturbing! You can skip this if you want.

Pee, yes I said it. In New York, if you travel by subway or on the street, you usually smell pee. It's definitely not the best smell. I think no one in New York reacts because their so used to it. Secondly, you smell the food.

The street food specifically. I smell the yummy hot dogs and sauerkraut. Plus, the burning my favorite place essay, and sweet cinnamon roasted nuts.

Sorry for making your mouth water! Mixed Emotions When you arrive in NYC, they are so many emotions.

Here are some: anxiety, rushed, pride and my favorite place essay. I know I felt it all of these, especially anxiety. The first time I ever traveled to NYC, I felt I was going to offend somebody, or at least having something bad happen to me!

Luckily everything went okay! Secondly, I felt anticipation. Oh, you feel something great can happen anytime. Because you are in the great city of New York. At least that's what I felt. Lastly, the feeling of pride! You may just be a traveler but you feel that you fit in this wonderful city.

Your accepted by anyone, no one judges you! Excuse my rant! This is why New York city is my favorite place in the world. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. We try to make TeenInk. com the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously, my favorite place essay.

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My Favourite Place Essay in English 10 Lines -- My Favourite Place Essay Writing

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My Happy Place | The Composition of Happiness

my favorite place essay

Jul 13,  · My Favorite Place: New York City New York City! Your probably thinking, why is New York City her favorite place? Ever since I found out my own god-given mother was from Long Island and some of my Essay On My Favorite Place. Words 7 Pages. Show More. Nevada, Tennessee, New York or maybe even Wyoming, where can you honestly call home? This is not the place you went to school in or every town you moved to, but the place where you really grew up in, the place you call home. The place that really formed who you are, makes up your Nov 01,  · It’s the only place I have my own space and I can do whatever I want. I like having my own space and a place to think or just relax and my room is the perfect place for me to do that. Of course sometimes I want to get out and do things but I never get tired of coming home to my room! I have everything I could ever need to survive in there! I

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