Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make a lot of sense in the world. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make more sense. It would be better for the teens that drink on college campus. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because you can vote at eighteen, buy tobacco, it’ll reduce the thrill of breaking the law, evidence supports that early introduction of drinking is the safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse, and college people that are not 21 drink also Apr 12, · If we are considered adults and expected to act like one at the age of 18, it isn’t right to restrict us to a drinking age of At 18 you can get married, vote, pay taxes, take out loans or risk your life as a member of the U. S. military. But the law in our country says that no alcoholic beverages may be sold to anyone until the age of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins If the drinking age was lowered, or set at 18, there would not be such unforgiving outcomes, like deaths and lifelong injuries, which are usually caused from people who are under the age of 21 drinking alcohol. Although there are numerous groups that are fighting to keep the age. Get Access
Essay about Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 | Bartleby
According to the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, in underage drinkers from ages were responsible for The minimum legal drinking age MLDA in the United States was 18 years old untilwhen all fifty states raised their legal drinking age to 21 or older.
The drinking age should be lowered from 21 years old to 18 years old because at that age one legally becomes an adult, it lower the drinking age to 18 essay reduce the amount of unsafe drinking activity, lower the drinking age to 18 essay, and there are fewer drunk driving car accidents in many other countries with a drinking age of In the United States at the age of eighteen you receive the rights and responsibilities of adulthood.
As an adult you should be able to make your own decisions on drinking alcohol. You can vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, sign contracts, be prosecuted as adults, and join the military. The frontal lobes are essential for functions such as emotional regulation, planning, and organization. Among these decisions should be alcohol consumption because as an adult you have the right to participate in actions that affect your health.
Allowing eighteen year olds to legally drink in regulated environments would decrease the amount of unsafe drinking activity. Bars and clubs are potentially unsafe environments, but they are supervised by employees. Prohibiting year olds from drinking in such places causes them to choose to drink in unsupervised places such as house parties or fraternity parties. The rate of underage drinking arrests would go down if drinking were legal making crime rates decrease as well.
In lower the drinking age to 18 essay to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Lowering the drinking age would diminish the thrill of breaking the law. There would no longer be the exciting aspect of being rebellious. The United States increased the drinking to 21 inbut its rate of traffic accidents and fatalities in the s decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than In the United Kingdom, only Plus, deaths from drunk driving as a percentage of total driving fatalities have gradually decreased sincetwo years before MLDA 21 went into effect.
Since this decline came across all age groups, it cannot be because of the introduction of MLDA Raising the drinking age has been ineffective thus far.
If the drinking age were to be lowered to eighteen it would have more benefits than consequences. Underage drinking enforcement is not even a priority for many law enforcement agencies. An estimated two of every 1, occasions lower the drinking age to 18 essay illegal drinking by youth under 21 results in an arrest.
By raising the drinking age and making consumption only available for older people our laws have made drinking even more attractive.
And drinking in excess has become a standard way of rebelling against what is seen as an unjust and immoral law. Lower Drinking Age to Accessed May 19, Lower Drinking Age to 18 Categories: Age Health. Download paper. Essay, Pages 3 words. Get a verified writer to help you with Lower Drinking Age to Top Writers, lower the drinking age to 18 essay.
Verified expert. Cite this page Lower Drinking Age to Related Essays. Alcohol - Should The U. Lower the Drinking Age to 18? Pages: 4 words Keeping the Drinking Age at 21 Pages: 6 words Minimum Legal Drinking Age Pages: 5 words Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to Eighteen?
Pages: 10 words Persuasive essay- Maintaining the Drinking Age Pages: 2 words Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 16 Pages: 3 words Drinking Age Dialectic Pages: 5 words Drinking Age Pages: 4 words Legal Drinking Age Pages: 4 words Should the Drinking Age Be Raised to 21 Pages: 3 words.
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Lower The Drinking Age To 18?
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Sep 07, · However, the majority of nations have a minimum legal drinking age of “Internationally, the average age at which drinking alcohol first occurs is 12 years and about 80% of young people begin drinking alcoholic beverages regularly at age 15 or younger, according to the World Health Organization (Minimum, ) The drinking age in America should be lowered from 21 to 18 in order to lose alcohol’s forbidden allure, decrease the number of binge drinking cases, and raise awareness [ ] Drinking Age: Lower it After Prohibition, nearly all states adopted a minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one Apr 12, · If we are considered adults and expected to act like one at the age of 18, it isn’t right to restrict us to a drinking age of At 18 you can get married, vote, pay taxes, take out loans or risk your life as a member of the U. S. military. But the law in our country says that no alcoholic beverages may be sold to anyone until the age of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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