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Indian culture and heritage essay

Indian culture and heritage essay

indian culture and heritage essay

24/12/ · Indian Culture Essay 5 ( words) India is a land of rich culture and heritage where people have humanity, tolerance, unity, secularism, strong social bond and other good qualities. Indians are always famous for their mild and gentle behaviour, in spite of lots of aggressive activities by the people of other blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 23/9/ · Conclusion on Indian Culture and Tradition Essay India is a land of rich culture and tradition which teaches people kindness, generosity, and tolerance. Indian culture differs from place to place as it is a multilingual, multicultural, and multi-ethnic society. Indian culture is a unique blend of modern western culture and historical blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 16/2/ · The Indian culture is one of philosophical dynamism. Throughout history and time, no other civilization nor cultural heritage has been known to produce deduced hypothetical philosophy that has transcended into the future from the past. Be it in the sciences, medicine, astronomy as well as astrology, the Indian culture has bordered it blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

The Indian Culture Essay: Traditions and Heritage | Get Best Essays Here |

Author: Richard Pircher. Culture is basically defined as the totality of arts and other indian culture and heritage essay manifestations of human intellectual achievements regarded in a collective manner. Culture is an idea, a value, a belief any particular civilization holds closely to its roots or foundation at any given period in time. It is the way we interact with one another, the way we behave and react to our environment and certain other things. Culture interprets the manner in which a society perceives abstract entities and by which such a society is perceived.

It is established as the diverse manifestations resulting from the basic principles, behaviors and ethics of a specific group of individuals. It is a systematic emancipation, which continuously and consistently absorbs and passes back to society, all that is initiated by different religions, beliefs and races, who are in extremely close proximity with one another, giving the cultural concept a new dimension and meaning as time proceeds.

Culture is an integration of diverse entities, music, family, social norms, fashion, food and attitude.

It is an existing, vibrant and ever-changing activity which completely takes over and absorbs our way of life in any certain period of time.

This is what generates the whole visual perception, or picture of the social and psychological fabric of society. The Indian culture, a majority of historians would confirm is one of the richest, most dynamic and intriguing cultural heritages ever to be known by man.

India is blessed with such a rich cultural tradition. There is such a delightful and balanced blend of philosophy, art and religion within the context of Indian culture and history.

Each entity is so aesthetically interwoven in the values and fabric of the Indian way of life, customs, indian culture and heritage essay, thought and values that they are inseparable. The Indian culture is fundamentally a result of a never-ending synthesis that has taken in a variety of numerous superficial influences in the advancement of its journey through time and history Aurobindo, The first evidence of civilization took place among the Indian people some four thousand years prior to the birth of Christ.

Unarguably, one of, if not the oldest of traditions, the Indians have been exposed to a series of never-ending, uninterrupted and unbroken sequences of civilizations. Yet, the flexibility and dynamism of the Indian cultural heritage has indian culture and heritage essay its people survive these alien invasions and still significantly hold on to the traditions and originality even after it had inculcated the most beneficial of these outside influences.

The Indians by nature possess a submissive mental attitude towards culture or tradition, indian culture and heritage essay, born out of a philosophical doctrine that all events are predetermined in advance for all time and human beings are powerless to its inevitability. Thus, the Indian mind has assimilated, to a rather large extent, the context of the diverse cultures, hence the wealthy heritage and uniqueness.

Today, it is that buoyant uniqueness that attracts the western world to the Indian culture. Disenchanted from their worldly and bourgeois way of life, westerners turn to India to find peace and solace. The Indian culture and history can certainly boast of the stimulating and mind-opening wisdom found in the ancient epics such as the likes of Ramayana and Mahabharata that serve as beacons of enlightenment and awareness to the seekers of truth and spiritual bliss.

Lord Krishna speaks, in the Bhargava Gita of how each and every individual can come to abide in the subtle philosophical principles embedded in the scriptures in ones day to day activities.

Influenced and induced by the philosophical trends of history, as well as religious and moral beliefs, Indian art from the caves of Ajanta, Khajuraho, Ellora and the temples of the south are living witnesses and testimonies to the satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibility of indian culture and heritage essay achieved by Indian sculptors, architects and artists in the ancient times.

Westerners have claim of intense spiritual enlightenment and awakening on visitations to such temples. In music as well as dance, are two other significant entities that characterize the rich and dynamic culture of the Indians. The Indian cultural music is strikingly extraordinary due to its continuity in development and growth. Prior to the Christian historic period, Indian music had propagated not only definite rules of practical theory, but an even depth of insight and understanding of appreciative measure.

Having been built on the foundations and concept of ragas and fast, Indian music and dance are established as appropriate in depicting diverse emotions and moods. Hindustani and Karnataka, two significant schools of classical music, indian culture and heritage essay, whose rules are derived from the Sangeet Ratnakar by Sarangdeva and Natya Shastra of Bharata are well established in Indian history.

These forms of classical music have had a great impact as well as having influenced to a large account, indian culture and heritage essay, western music. Zakir Hussain, Pandit Ravi Shankar and a host of other notable Maestros have made tremendous contributions to the growth and development of Indian indian culture and heritage essay music to the western world. The backdrop and foundations of Indian dance, comes with a diverse and wealthy essence.

Historians lay claim to the notion that Indian dance is as diverse as the culture and the land itself. Undoubtedly, it still holds onto the implicit bond that binds the Indian people together. Often said, the origins of these dances can be linked to Hindu temples, where they were first birthed and nurtured until they attained maturity and their full stature, hence the impulse of such indian culture and heritage essay to have or exhibit some religious context to it.

Four systems of classical dance are accounted for in Indian culture, though other prominent ones exist. Hinduism is said to be the earliest form of religion in Indian history and dates back to several millenniums. Owing its core values to Vedas and the Hindu culture, indian culture and heritage essay lays its focus and reference from the Holy Scriptures in the sacred language of the Sanskrit.

Laying its projection on the belief in god in a variety of forms and on the emphasis on rituals, which are said to be practical in the unity of spiritual togetherness and kinship, other essentially notable features are the belief in the Guru Shishya tradition of learning and a divided structured caste system. Apart from the Hindu Religion, Indian culture and history boast of the Jains, who claim, and have presented scholarly reports and documentation to prove that their religion is the most ancient of religions, indian culture and heritage essay.

Another very critical and historically famous religion notable in the Indian history is Buddhism. Based on the teachings and practises of Gautama Buddha. Many say Buddhism, rather than a religion is more of a system of morality and ethics. Through forceful coercion and conversions, Islam was introduced into India by invaders, who set up religion and rule in the country.

Today it is one of the largest religions amongst the Indian community. The impact of civilization was further felt, as the French, Portuguese and to a larger extent the Brits, whose influences of Christianity played a minimal but enduring role on Indian civilization and cultural heritage as well as its religious beliefs.

In recent times, Indians have demonstrated a deep interest in further encouraging and promoting its cultural and unique historical values and heritage. Educational institutions are beginning to ensure that future generations are inculcated and imbibed with the values of the buoyant cultural and historical heritage of its people for the world to see.

The Indian culture is one of philosophical dynamism. Throughout history and time, no other civilization nor cultural heritage has been known to produce deduced hypothetical philosophy that has transcended into the future from the past. Be it in the sciences, medicine, astronomy as well as astrology, the Indian culture has bordered it all. As a high school or college student, you definitely have your fair share of assignments.

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Indian Culture: Traditions and Heritage | Sample Essay

indian culture and heritage essay

17/9/ · Indian Heritage Essay India boasts off a rich heritage that bespeaks of its glorious past. Our ancestors have preserved our cultural and monumental heritage since centuries and we must maintain the tradition. Our heritage connects us to our roots and tells us where we really blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 23/9/ · Conclusion on Indian Culture and Tradition Essay India is a land of rich culture and tradition which teaches people kindness, generosity, and tolerance. Indian culture differs from place to place as it is a multilingual, multicultural, and multi-ethnic society. Indian culture is a unique blend of modern western culture and historical blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 27/5/ · Find below a word limit short essay on Indian heritage in English for schoolchildren and students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. India represents 9 religions, tens of languages, hundreds of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds and yet works as one nation. India is, without an ounce of doubt, a testimony for unity in blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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