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Business essays

Business essays

business essays

Introduction to Business Essay Words | 4 Pages. Assignment one 1. What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in business? Is the pace likely to accelerate or decrease over the next decade? Why? Human resources, capital, natural resources, entrepreneurship, and technology all play a factor in to a rapid change of pace A Business Plan For Small Business Essay Words | 15 Pages INTRODUCTION A good business plan is not only important in developing the opportunity but also essential in determining the resources required, obtaining those resources and successfully managing the resulting venture. Running a Business is both exciting and challenging Writing business essays is not as hard as you think. In fact, choosing a topic for a business essay is even harder than actually writing it. While selecting a topic for a business essay, you need to consider the nature of the business of your interests. In case the topic is chosen correctly, any of your business essays will be written blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

Business Essay Topics |Free Example |

Fifty years ago on that day — today — Milton Friedman published a seminal essay in The New York Times Magazine that is still hotly debated in business and policy circles. DealBook teamed up with The Times Magazine to revisit the legacy of the so-called Business essays Doctrine in a special issue out today in print.

This newsletter runs through some business essays the highlights, along with bonus material and other features to mark the occasion. Want this delivered to your inbox each day?

Sign up here. It was the essay heard round the world. The essay, published in The New York Times Magazine on Sept. Friedman, who was on the faculty of the University of Chicago and who died in at 94, was no mere economist; he was a kind of celebrity.

He became a regular on the talk-show circuit. PBS even gave him a part series. Fifty years later, his theories on the primacy of shareholders and the priority of profits still hold sway over large parts of the corporate world. We wanted to mark the occasion by stirring a series of discussions and debates, business essays, so we assembled business essays than 20 experts — including C.

s, Nobel laureates and other top thinkers — and asked them to respond to the essay. Some addressed specific passages, and others took on the entire argument. A selection of their responses is below; you can read extended versions online and see all of the annotations in the context of the full original essay in print. s who believed that business essays only business of business is business. The headline business essays it all.

Our sole responsibility to society? Make money. The communities beyond the corporate campus? Not our problem, business essays.

Just look where the obsession with maximizing profits for shareholders has brought us: terrible economic, racial and health inequalities; the catastrophe of climate change.

He has direct responsibility to his employers. That responsibility is to conduct the business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom. The shareholder-primacy view of the corporation — which gives little voice to the workers, business essays, customers and communities that are impacted by corporate decisions — has been the modus operandi of United States business essays. Why did this view become so dominant?

One rationale was a practical one. Rather than being asked to balance multiple, business essays, often conflicting, business essays among stakeholders, the manager is given a simple objective function.

More important, business essays, though, was the naïve belief, dominant in the Chicago school at the time, that what is good for shareholders is good for society — a belief that rested on the assumption of perfectly functioning markets.

Unfortunately, such perfect markets exist only in economics textbooks. Stakeholder capitalism distorts the incentive that prompts investors to risk their capital: the promise of a profit on their investment. Respect for the value of each form reinforces the long-term value of the other, business essays. Only business essays learn.

That is free-market economics for the 21st century. By the time he wrote this essay, business essays, Friedman, who had done distinguished analytic and empirical work in economics, business essays, had become largely a conservative ideologue.

I gave a talk at the University of Chicago around this time, presenting an early version of my research establishing that in the presence of imperfect risk markets and incomplete information — that is, always — firms pursuing profit maximization did not lead to the maximization of societal welfare.

His conclusion, as influential as it was, has not, business essays. Friedman would say yes. Economic theory, common sense and historical experience suggest otherwise.

It is good that the business community has awaked, business essays. The heart of what Friedman was saying remains largely true, but I have a fundamental problem with this sentence. Companies operate as going concerns — they want to survive. They face technological changes, changes in consumer preferences, changes in regulation, and these changes are forcing companies not to fight against the changes but to adapt. Take the example of a pharmaceutical company searching for a solution for cancer.

The goal is a social business essays. The pursuit of profit does not need to run counter to what will benefit business essays. In some cases the interest of the corporation is absolutely married to the social good. But Friedman is best read as embracing maximizing shareholder value over the long run.

Toward that end, business essays, short-term gains at the expense of stakeholders — who might decide not to work for, supply to or buy from the firm — make little sense. Some problems — climate change, for example — are arguably more complex than Friedman envisioned, business essays. In these cases, public policy changes are required. All our investors, employees, partners and customers also deserve the freedom and security to do good will in their own individual ways, too.

But they cannot spread those wings unless the company delivers the profits to lift them. Are those ordinary people so business essays of charity and common sense that they must grant some newspaper pontificator or a special-interest group with a bullhorn the imaginary right to dictate how their company channels the money they rightfully earned and counted on?

As Friedman warned us, to argue yes does worse than belittle every American. It turns the whole of our lives into politics. It means that every jockeying constituency that marauds our government also gets to compete and finagle over how your savings and investment are spent. In propaganda, an accusation often betrays an admission, business essays.

His doctrine absolved the firm of its responsibility to serve as a force for racial integration and inclusion, business essays. It produced generations of corporate leaders dedicated to the sacred primacy of shareholder value.

Gone were the days when someone like my semiliterate grandfather, with only a third-grade education, could work as a porter and benefit from a profit-sharing plan provided by a company that dignified his work.

In their place were new conditions in which our social contract frayed and our economy tilted out of balance — fomenting the unsustainable inequalities that plague America today. Friedman ignored that in a democratic-capitalist society, democracy must come first. Friedman make of this current moment? In his essay, he calls outspoken C. For more on the historical business essays in which Mr.

For businessmen who felt demonized by public opinion and besieged by tougher government regulation for the last few years, the militancy of the Friedman doctrine in The New York freaking Times a year after Woodstock was business essays. And then, business essays, as now, to get what they were mainly after politically — superlow taxes, minimized regulation — they exploited the voter backlash against street protests by aggrieved, angry younger Americans.

Since then, the United States has gone backward in economic equality and security — a situation that the Covid pandemic has exposed for all to see.

Strine and Mr. Zwillinger also joined us for a DealBook Debrief conference call, which you can listen to here. Friedman published his essay. What do you think? What did Milton Friedman get right — and wrong? Should businesses have any priorities more important than profits? Can companies serve shareholders and other stakeholders equally? Let us know at dealbook nytimes. Include your name and location and we may include your response in a future newsletter.

DealBook Greed Is Good. Updated May 19,business essays, p. Home Page World Coronavirus U. Politics New York Business Tech Science Climate Sports Obituaries The Upshot International Canada Business essays 中文网 Today's Paper Corrections, business essays. Today's Opinion Op-Ed Columnists Editorials Op-Ed Contributors Letters Sunday Review Video: Opinion.

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business essays

Aug 08,  · You can use the business essay above as a template to follow while writing your own paper. We wish to remind you, however, that you are not allowed to use the text without proper acknowledgments, or else it will be considered as a violation of the author’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Introduction to Business Essay Words | 4 Pages. Assignment one 1. What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in business? Is the pace likely to accelerate or decrease over the next decade? Why? Human resources, capital, natural resources, entrepreneurship, and technology all play a factor in to a rapid change of pace Business Essay. Business essays tell about how someone makes earnings through the act of buying or selling a particular product. We all know that businesses are the foundation of profit and loss. It is also a very demanding profession that has been practiced and made popular over the past years

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